Quelques publications des membres de l’AFET

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Analyzing impacts of a new rail line on tourists attractiveness using accessibility: The case of the Sud Europe Atlantique high-speed line (Mercier et al., 2025)

An ex ante economic and environmental assessment of railway intervention: A case study in Regione Lombardia (Garola et al., 2025)

Effects of numerical platforms on individual choices and social welfare: The case of short-distance carpooling (Le Goff et al., 2025)

Well-being in the context of policies for climate change (de Palma et al., 2024)

A pathway design framework for national freight transport decarbonization strategies (Briand et al., 2024)

How unequal are travel costs? Evidence from the Paris region (Al Amir Dache et Coulombel, 2024)

How large are the costs of local pollution emitted by freight vehicles? Insights from the COVID-19 lockdown in Paris (Letrouit et Koning, 2024)

The impacts of combining incentives on carpooling in the Paris region (Salihou et al., 2024)

High-speed railway in developping countries: mind the gap – lessons from Morroco (Hoummirat et Blayac, 2024)

An analysis of intermodal competition and multiproduct Incumbent’s strategies in the French market: What drive High-speed trains’ prices and frequencies? (Blayac et al., 2024)

The effect of public transport pricing policy: Experimental evidence (Gagnepain et al., 2024)

Economic impact assessment: Local service costs of automated vehicles for public transport (Antonialli et al., 2024)

International attractiveness of cities: The drivers of urban  FDI (Bono et al., 2024)

Does subsidy increase carpooling usage? The case of short-distance carpooling in France (Wang et Monchambert, 2024)

Environmental assessment of daily mobility for the design of neighbourhoods: Coupling mobility microsimulation and life-cycle assessment (François et Coulombel, 2024) 

Exploring urban planning as a lever for emission and exposure control: Analysis of master plan actions over Greater Paris (Etuman et al., 2024)

Economie des transports (Quinet et al., 2024)

Le fret, oublié des trajectoires de décarbonation (Briand et al., 2024)

L’économie des transports en France, entre rétrospectives et prospectives. Entretien avec Alain Bonnafous, André de Palma et Emile Quinet (Koning et al., 2023)

Combining economics and psychology: Does CO2 framing strengthen pro-environmental behaviors? (Collet et al., 2023)

Environmental and economic evaluation of a low emission zone for urban freight transport (Savadogo et al., 2023)

How do knowledge spillovers shape the activity of public transport operators? (Gagnepain, 2023)

Il n’y a pas d’alternative à l’A69 (Ivaldi, 2023)

Sharing when stranger equals danger: Ridesharing during COVID-19 pandemic (Ivaldi et Palikot, 2023)

A micro-economic model of the market uptake of truck platooning (Aboulkacem et Combes, 2023)

Pour les petits aéroports en difficulté, « la solution peut venir de l’avion électrique » (M. Ivaldi, 2023)

The impact of COVID-19 lockdown measures on gendered mobility patterns in France (Bulteau et al., 2023)

Diseconomies of scale and subsidies in urban public transportation (Coulombel et Monchambert, 2023)

Evaluation of Low-Traffic Neighborhoods and Scale Effects: The Paris Case Study (Yin et al., 2023)

Travel demand management: the solution to public transit congestion? An ex-ante evaluation of staggered work hours schemes for the Paris region (Coulombel et al., 2023)

Can public transport improve accessibility for the poor over the long term? Empirical evidence in Paris, 1968–2010 (Viguie et al., 2023)

Regional Passenger Rail Efficiency: Measurement and Explanation in the case of France (Desmaris et Monchambert, 2023)

What can be expected from mergers after deregulation? The case of the long-distance bus industry in France (Blayac et Bougette, 2023)

Collectivités et contribuables locaux seront piégés dans le financement d’infrastructures démesurées qui devrait être du ressort de l’Etat (Ivaldi et Savary, mars 2023)

Economic evaluation of autonomous passenger transportation services: a systematic review and meta-analysis of simulation studies (Carreyre et al., 2023)

Incentives for modal shift towards sustainable mobility solutions: A review (Sahilou et al., 2022)

Les systèmes d’information logistiques et transports à l’ère de l’internet des objets (Abbad et Mercier, 2022)

Are solo driving commuters ready to switch to carpool? Heterogeneity of preferences in Lyon’s urban area (Le Goff et al., 2022)

Travel Information Provision and Commuter Behavior Changes: Evidence from a French Metropolis (Blayac et Stéphan, 2022)

L’autoroute décarbonée, c’est avant tout une autoroute intelligente (Ivaldi, décembre 2022) 

Incertitude stratégique et taille de marché : le cas de l’amendement Wright (Gagnepain et Gauthier, 2022)

The role of commuter rail accessibility in the formation of residential land values in the Loire-Atlantique Département in France: evidence form periurban and remote areas (Le Boennec et al., 2022)

First and last miles by cargo bikes: ecological commitment or economically feasible? The case of a parcel service company in Paris (Robichet al., 2022)

Economic valuation of preventing fatal and serious road injuries. Results of a WTP study in four European countries (Schoeters et al., 2022)

Le transport francilien enclenche la mise en concurrence de son réseau (Ivaldi, février 2022) 

Building latent segments of goods to improve shipment size modeling: Confirmatory evidence from France (Piendl et al., 2022)

Transport policies in polycentric cities (David et M. Kilani, 2022)

Free fare public transport and road congestion: Literature review and implications for Paris (David, 2022)

The Autolib’ car sharing platform (Drut, 2022)

Absorptive capacity, knowledge spillovers and incentive contracts (Aguiar et Gagnepain, 2022)